Tuesday, September 15, 2009

living in the moment #15

today Hugo went up a level in his reading at school.
it has taken a while for the reading to "click" for him but over the last few weeks he has "got it" and he has been going great guns. Today his teacher did running records with the class, and Hugo proudly after school ran to tell me that he has gone up a level. "i am now in green mum."
as a way of acknowledging this achievement and to show him that his efforts and hard work have been worth it i decided to celebrate this by baking him a cake.

he was excited and proud as we all sat around the dinner table having cake for dessert that was his special "reading cake"

well done Hugo you have tried so hard and that has paid off. you should be proud and i look forward to joining you on your reading journey.Posted by Picasa

i must appologise for the icing the cake was still warm when i iced it. i guess thats what happens when you have to bake, ice and decorate a cake all in the hour or so after school till dinner time...

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