Saturday, February 13, 2010


i need to run :: its good for me :: it helps me.

these girls talk about The Zone. The zone, when you find the rhythm and you zone out as you exercise. the mind clears of all thoughts as the steady pace of your runners hit the ground. its almost trance like.

once i get over the first 2 km then the zoning out starts, the mind clears, the ideas come as well as the clearer thoughts.

its my time.

life is hard at the minute and this is my precious time for me, where i can sort out all i feel and think.

a lot of people around me don't get it, even those close to me as to why i exercise and run. they make statements like "you are thin enough", "why do you need to exercise?" "what do you waste your time doing that for?" but they don't get it. the need for space, the need for clarity, the need to evaluate whats good in my life, the need to sort through all the s*** you hear from people that are supposed to care. as well as that its something for me that i can do and do well. that i can individually challenge myself and push myself. the me time where i don't have to worry about anyone else in the world except for me. its also the creative ideas that come.

so my trusty old runners are my best friend and my armour at the minute, its the only constant. they don't judge.

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Julia said...

Hey. Love your honesty - you've given fuel to some thoughts I've been having about finding my own zone for the same reasons. Your days sounds full at the moment...I hope the peace you find in the rythmn of running spills out into the rest of your life x

Jo said...

i get it! i'm here if you ever feel like running over. anytime. jo x

Nic said...

I would love to be able to run. It is a goal of mine this year - the closest I have ever got is a really quick walk, but I hear you. Snaps to you for finging an outlet and channelling.
Lovely to see you Saturday, Nic

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful post, I have tears in my eyes.

If it means anything I find you inspirational and you look great, fit and healthy.

Thanks for sharing and being so honest, it's your year fellow Tiger - Be The Best You Can Be :-)

Robyn xoxo

Gina said...

Hear hear. I've been running too - same reasons, really. It's an important thing, and those of us who do run get it, so don't listen to the nay-sayers!