Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Garden Club

every Tuesday afternoon the school has a garden club for interested students. one of the parents who is a landscape designer runs it. Hugo and Miss R went along today and had a great time. we weeded the garden beds, watered them, added fertiliser and then planted some vegetable seedlings :: broccoli, lettuce and basil. Pea straw was then added.
the hour went quickly and there was a happy sigh from both Hugo and Archie when we piled in the car after.
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1 comment:

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Great to have Hugo in an environmentally conscious school. My school has a garden, and has a worm farm. The kids collect their peels and feed the farm. The fruits and veges are free for the children to pick.


Sam grew his pumpkins, and two days ago, it bloomed it's first flower.